The school of Urban Construction and Safety Engineering presently has six undergraduate programs: Architecture, Civil Engineering, Safety Engineering, Building Environment & Thermal Engineering, Thermal Energy & Power Engineering, and Engineering Management.

There are 99 faculties in the schoolincluding 73 full-time teachers. Among the full-time teachers, 57are professors and 46 are associate professors, high title of full-time teachers accounting for 71 percent; 55 have acquired a doctor's degree (including 12 post-docs), accounting for 73percent; masters and Ph.D.together accounted for 93.2%. More than 80 percent of the faculty members have graduated from key universities home or abroad, Academic structure is reasonable and 85 percent have an age under 45. There are about1651 undergraduate students in the college now(including 39 overseas students).

The school equips students with professional knowledge and overall quality, whileemphasizing the implementation capacity of professional production technology, cultivating the ability of engineering evaluation and integrated management,strengthening the training of practical skills, enable the students to become frontline- oriented advanced engineering and technical personnelin both types of technical application and engineering management.

The school focuses on the principle ofprofessors and famous teachers leading the teaching, the discipline construction supporting the teaching, research achievements melting into the teaching, and the social service driving the teaching” , so as to improve the quality of personnel training. The annual employment rate of graduates is over 97%.

The school puts emphasis upon the concept of “professors and famous teachers leading the teaching, the discipline construction supporting the teaching, research achievements melting into the teaching, and the social service driving the teaching”,to improve the quality of personnel training, and then annual employment rate can exceed 97%.

In recent years, the school has undertaken over 100 research projects, including 7 funds granted from National Natural Science Foundation of China and 10 provincial funds, and the total research fund is more than 25 million. Besides, over 500 articles have been published, with 20 percent indexed by SCI, EI and ISTP, and 14 textbooks and academic books have been issued as well. In addition, the school also has 7 awards and 10 patents.

The experimental center owns 5 laboratories and 27 sub-laboratories. The center mainly serves as a practical teaching platform for undergraduate students, providing the experimental education of specialty courses and the technological base of all subjects, and also a favorable environment for scientific research and students' sci-tech innovation activities.

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