Civil Engineering

Peng Dawen  professor

Master of Engineering

tutor of doctorate candidates


director of College of Urban Construction

main research direction:

theory and application of bridges without expansion joint

design of safety evaluation, test and reinforcement of bridge structure

study of forecasting and warning system for public works, bridge construction monitoring

main courses:

Introduction of Civil Engineering and Large Span Bridges, etc

major achievements and honors

credits: Second Science and Technology Progress Prize in Fujian Province
(2000), Second Prize for Excellent Teaching Achievements in Fujian Province,
Second Science and Technology Progress Prize in Fujian Province (2005), Third
Science and Technology Progress Prize as granted by Ministry of Communication,
Shanghai Municipal Talent Cultivation Prize (2009);


Ding Wensheng  professor

master tutor

Doctor of Engineering


director of Science & technology Department.

main research directions:

test and monitoring of structural safety

critical technologies on bridges without expansion joint

main courses:

Structural Mechanics, Building Test

Verification and Reinforcement

Prestressed Concrete Structure and so on

major achievements and honors

He once chaired draft of Study of Critical Technologies on Elimination
of Expansion Joint for Bridges in Cities, the key project as launched by
Shanghai Municipal Education Commission and Structural Mechanics, the key
curriculum as designated by Shanghai Municipal Education Commission;


Peng Ya-Ping Professor  

master tutor

Doctor of EngineeringTian Jin University

main research directions

Testing and reinforcement of structure

Concrete structure reinforced with FRP

Building structure seismic and disaster reduction

Structural health monitoring

main courses

Concrete Structure Fundamentals

Concrete Structure Design

major achievements and honors

"Youth Teaching Master", "Excellent Teaching Award", "Outstanding Master Tutor", University of Jinan.

2005 Third Prize of Excellent Teaching Achievements, Shandong Province.

2007 Second Prize of Excellent Scientific Research Achievements, Shandong Province University

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