Civil Engineering



Shi Chunxiang (deputy department head)

female, Doctor of Engineering, post doctor, associate professor

main research directions: theories on design of bridges and roads;

main courses: Concrete Structure Design Principles, Subgrade Engineering and so on;

major achievements and honors: winner of “Excellent Teachers in My Heart”.




Zhao Juan (deputy department head)

female, Doctor of Engineering (Harbin Institute of Technology), post doctor (Hong Kong University of Science & Technology), associate professor;

main research directions: durability of concrete structure and forecast of full service life of sea-crossing bridges; 

main courses: Soil Mechanics, Curriculum Design of Foundation Engineering and Curriculum Design of Single-layer Concrete Industrial Plants

major achievement and honors: participated in international cooperation project as launched by Shanghai Municipal Education Commission.




Liu Hongliang: male, doctor (Harbin Institute of Technology), associate professor, senior engineer; 

main research directions: structural seismic, structural reliability and so on; 

main courses: High-rise Building Construction, CAD Design of Building Construction,




Sun Yuming: Doctor of Engineering (Tongji University), associate professor,Secretary of Party General Branch. He has been engaged in teaching, scientific research and teaching management for a long time. He once participated in such scientific research items as The National Natural Science Funds, National 863 Plan and scientific research items as launched by Shanghai Municipal Education
Commission, issued nearly 20 theses, and participated in draft of 2 teaching materials; he was honored as “Good Teacher in My Heart”;

main research directions: soil mechanics and foundation engineering;

main courses: Structural Mechanics, Foundation Treatment, Engineering Geology and so on.




Wu Zhiping: male, Doctor of Engineering(Tongji University), associate professor, National Certified Supervision Engineer;      

main research directions: construction structure reinforcement design, numerical simulation of underground structure and so on;

main courses:tructural Mechanics, Groundwork Foundation and so on; 

major achievements and honors: sponsored Study of Application of Prestressed Carbon Fiber in Reinforcement of Bent Members of Bridge, the project launched by Zhejiang
Provincial Institute of Communications Planning, Design & Research and subsidiary work of Shield Tunnel for Stations and Sections of Shanghai Metro Line 7.


Yang Zhixi: male, Doctor of Engineering (Tongji University), associate professor;

main research directions:
study of techniques on multi-phase coupled simulation and parallel analysis as developed with Python language in the Linux environment; 

main courses: Concrete Structure, Construction Techniques on Civil Work and so on,


Jiang Rong: female, Master of Geotechnical
Engineering (Chang'an University), associate professor, national certified geotechnical engineer;

main research directions: foundation reinforcement techniques, slope stability and so on; 

main courses: Soil Mechanics, Foundation Engineering and Foundation Treatment Techniques.



Li Yingji: female, Doctor of Engineering (Nagoya Institute of Technology), associate professor; 

main research directions: stability of steel structural members and structure, study of high-performance concrete and so on; 

main courses: Basic Principles of Steel Structure, Design of Steel Structure and so on;  

major achievements and honors: sponsored the international
cooperation project as launched by Shanghai Municipal Education Commission,subsidiary work of the cooperation project as launched by Shanghai Urban Construction Design & Research Institute and compilation of Safety Techniques on Building Construction


Qi Liangfeng: female, associate professor, granted Doctor’s Degree of Structural Engineering by Xi’an University of Architecture & Technology in 2002; 

main research directions: interaction between constructions and foundation soil, foundation pit engineering and so on;

main courses: Structural Mechanics, Civil Engineering Materials, Engineering Budget and so on; 

major achievements and honors: Honorable title of “2008 Shanghai Excellent Young Lecturers”.



Li Wei: female, Doctor of Engineering (Tongji University), associate professor, national certified structural
engineer and member of Shanghai society of Civil Engineering;

main research directions: structural analysis, study of performance of recycled concrete and its application and so on; 

main courses: Concrete Structure Design Principles, Design of Concrete Structures and so on;  

major achievements and honors: sponsored special funds for selection and cultivation of young teacher engaged in scientific research in Shanghai, and participated the National Natural Science Funds.




Wang Lingyun: female, doctor (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University), associate researcher; 

main courses: Fluid Mechanics, Building Structures and Occupational Foreign Language;

major achievements and honors: published numerous academic theses on international and domestic formal academic journals, including 21 international theses, 14 domestic theses, 18 theses of the first author, 16 EI theses and 9
SCI theses.



Chen Xiaodong: male, Doctor of Engineering (Tongji University), associate professor;

main research directions: shock and wind resistance of bridges, design of modern bridges;

main courses: Structural Mechanics, Bridge Engineering and Surveying,etc.




Chen Congchun: male, Doctor of Engineering, senior engineer and associate professor;

main research direction: Extradosedbridge;

main courses: Bridge Engineering, Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Soil Mechanics and Modern Prestressed Concrete Structure.





Ge Jiping: male, Doctor of Engineering (Tongji University), associate professor, master tutor, bridge testing engineer
of Ministry of Communications and member of Bridge Engineering Committee of Shanghai Society of Civil  ngineering; participated or sponsored the National Natural Science Funds, test and safety evaluation of more than 20 sea-crossing bridges, including Qingdao Gulf Bridge; participated in compilation of Pier and Foundation; issued approximately 40 theses;

main research directions: seismic risk control and design, combined action of high-speed train and bridge;

main courses: Pier and Foundation, Civil Engineering Materials and so on.

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