Energy and Power Engineering





Wang Qingcheng: male, Doctor of Engineering (Shanghai Jiao Tong University), associate professor, master tutor, Vice General Manager of Yingxiang Assets Management Company of Shanghai Institute of Technology (in charge of general affairs) and expert of Shanghai Aluminum Industry Association; 

major achievements and honors: New Star of Scientific Research of Shanghai Institute of Technology in 2011; sponsored more than 20 comprehensive scientific research items; published more than 30 theses, including 17 as
listed by SCI, EI and ISTP; obtained three authorized patents; 

main research directions:industrial energy conservation, control of atmospheric pollutants and preparation of new materials; 

main courses: Industrial Boilers and Biological Fuels.






Dong Zhiguang (department head)

male,Doctor of Engineering (University of Shanghai for Science and Technology),associate professor; 

main research directions: study of electric field enhanced heat transfer and two-phase flow, study of hydraulic features of waste heat boilers and so on;
main courses: Fluid Mechanics and Heat Supply Engineering.







Xu Zhaokang: male, Bachelor of Engineering (University of Science and Technology Beijing), associate professor; 

major achievements and honors: winner of Zhongquan-Erchun Ideological and Political Education Award; published more than 10 theses, including 2 listed by EI; obtained 2 authorized patents;

main research directions: industrial thermal engineering and utilization of heat energy, thermal engineering of furnaces and so on; 

main courses: Fuel and Combustion, Furnace Thermal Engineering and Structure and so on.      

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