Energy and Power Engineering



Guo Jing: female, Bachelor of Engineering (Northeastern
University), lecturer; 

main research directions: thermal engineering and utilization of heat energy,enterprise environmental protection engineering; 

main courses: Heat Transfer,Refractory Materials and so on.



ZhengYuewei: male, Master of Engineering (Shanghai
Jiao Tong University), lecturer;

major achievements and honors: obtained 2 national patents for invention;quasi-actuary certified by China Insurance Regulatory Commission;

main research directions: enhanced heat transfer, heat conduction and so on; 

main courses:Engineering Thermodynamics, Architectural Mechanics, Linear Planning and Thermal Engineering Equipments.


Wang Weihan: female, Doctor of Engineering (Southeast University), lecturer;

major achievements and honors: sponsored 1 “Excellent Young Scientists” project; 

main research directions: indoor air quality, new heat exchangers and so on; 

main courses: Heat Exchange Principles and Technologies, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Technologies. 





Guan Xiaoyan: Doctor of Engineering (Harbin Institute of Technology), lecturer;

major achievements and honors: sponsored such projects as Young College Teachers Cultivation and Assistance Plan in Shanghai; won the third prize of Courseware Tournament of Shanghai Institute of Technology in 2012; 

main research directions:clean combustion of coal and pollution control technologies, numerical simulation of heat transfer and combustion process; 

main courses: Thermal Power System and Devices, Fuel Gas Engineering and so on.

Deng Jian: male, Doctor of Engineering (Shanghai
Jiao Tong University), lecturer

main research directions: Biomass thermo-chemical conversion, clean combustion of coal and so on;

main courses: Wind and Solar Energy Technologies,
Installation Engineering Cost, Heat Transfer and so on. 



Zhao Fang: female, Doctor of Engineering (Southeast University), lecturer

main research directions: ultrasonic treatment technologies on sewage and sludge, technologies on control of discharge of atmospheric pollutants and new phase-change energy saving materials; 

main courses: Biological Fuels, Building Energy Saving Technologies and so on.



















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