SIT students active in regional Firefighting Sports Meeting

On November 16, 2023, the Shanghai Chemical Industry Park held its 7th Enterprise Employees Firefighting Games to polish their firefighting skills, increase their vigilance, assure the community, and promote social harmony. As the neighbor of this park, students from the Safety Engineering Department of the Urban Construction College were invited to participate in this three-hour firefighting sports meeting. The competition activities include wearing firefighting gears, laying and connecting hoses, shooting balls with solid water streams, and extinguishing fires in oil pools. The final program is a functional display where the water stream was shooting 100 meters high, with a loud noise from its jet engine, showing the company's investment and determination to achieve safety for the public well-being.

During the event, our students were also invited to participate in the program of shooting the water stream against balls.

As their academic neighbors, our students had attended and witnessed six of their annual firefighting sports meetings (with the only exception due to the outbreak of COVID-19). Each time, the hiring policy of BASF China was shared with our students. The social responsibility of SIT has always guided us to participate in similar social activities in public relations.

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