






1.        Li D, Kaewunruen S, You R. Remaining fatigue life predictions of railway prestressed concrete sleepers considering time-dependent surface abrasion[J]. Sustainability, 2022, 14(18): 11237. 

2.        Li D, Kaewunruen S, You R, et al. Fatigue life modelling of railway prestressed concrete sleepers[C]//Structures. Elsevier, 2022, 41: 643-656.

3.        Li D, You R, Kaewunruen S. Mechanisms and Evolution of Cracks in Prestressed Concrete Sleepers Exposed to Time-Dependent Actions[J]. Applied Sciences, 2022, 12(11): 5511.

4.        Li D, You R, Kaewunruen S. Crack Propagation Assessment of Time-Dependent Concrete Degradation of Prestressed Concrete Sleepers[J]. Sustainability, 2022, 14(6): 3217.

5.        Li D, Kaewunruen S. Effect of extreme climate on topology of railway prestressed concrete sleepers[J]. Climate, 2019, 7(1): 17.

6.        Li D, Kaewunruen S, You R. Time-dependent behaviours of railway prestressed concrete sleepers in a track system[J]. Engineering Failure Analysis, 2021, 127: 105500.

7.        Li D, Kaewunruen S. Mechanical properties of concrete with recycled composite and plastic aggregates[J]. International Journal of GEOMATE, 2019, 17(60): 231-238.

8.        Li D, Kaewunruen S, Robery P, et al. Parametric studies into creep and shrinkage characteristics in railway prestressed concrete sleepers[J]. Frontiers in Built Environment, 2020: 130.

9.        Kaewunruen S, Li D, Chen Y, et al. Enhancement of dynamic damping in eco-friendly railway concrete sleepers using waste-tyre crumb rubber[J]. Materials, 2018, 11(7): 1169.

10.    You R, Li D, Ngamkhanong C, et al. Fatigue life assessment method for prestressed concrete sleepers[J]. Frontiers in Built Environment, 2017, 3: 68.

11.    Liu R, Li D, Kaewunruen S. Role of Railway Transportation in the Spread of the Coronavirus: Evidence from Wuhan-Beijing Railway Corridor[J]. Frontiers in Built Environment, 2020: 190.

12.    Ngamkhanong C, Li D, Remennikov A M, et al. Dynamic capacity reduction of railway prestressed concrete sleepers due to surface abrasions considering the effects of strain rate and prestressing losses[J]. International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, 2019, 19(01): 1940001.

13.    Liu P, Yang X F, Li D. The experimental study on the vibration of membrane structure under impact load[J]. International Journal of Space Structures, 2022, 37(2): 107-118.



1.        Li, D., Chapter 13: Diagnostics and Management Methods for Sleepers, in Rail Infrastructure Resilience a Best Practices Handbook, S.K. Rui Calcada, Editor. 2021, Woolhead Publishing.


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